Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am happy to report that the Artist's Market was a success! My new card line got a warm reception and that makes me really happy. I sold almost all the card sets I brought and all my tall mugs were gone with the wind. Hooray! The tall giggle mugs went first. I'll be making more of those due to their popularity. You can find more of them soon on my etsy shop. See link below.

I have signed up for the June 11 show too. So be sure to come by and check out the new designs. See the postcard from my previous post for details.

One plus, with the Artist's Market is the wide range of items you can find at very reasonable prices. I purchased a unique pair of pink and brown earrings as well as a scrapbook item from the two artists next to me. Oh, but I wanted so much more. I had my eye on a watercolor painting and a beautiful artsy necklace, but I had to say " Whoa Nelly!" The children must be fed.

Have a wonderful Easter.

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