I have posted this blog in the hopes that it will help me connect with fellow artists across the country.
I am a graphic designer, an illustrator and aspiring children's book writer. I am always creating varied types of art from painting, to print making to jewelry. I love to try new things.
Currently I am working on illustrated/painted porcelain teapots as well as experimenting with paper jewelry. I have posted a photo of my latest owl teapot and cups as well as my floral work. If you are interested in purchasing a teapot go to
www.creativecasserole.etsy.com to see my etsy shop.
In case you haven't heard, etsy is an online artist community where you can purchase unusual handmade and vintage items, get "HOW TO" project information and so much more. If you are interested in selling your handmade or vintage items you should check it out! But, I want to warn you - It's addicting!
I have just purchased a very interesting book titled, "Altered Paper Jewelry" by Jenn Mason. I recommend it. My daughter Libby and I are just about to embark on our first paper jewelry project from the book. I'll post a blog later on the results.
Thank you for visiting my blog! Feel free to post your latest projects, get feedback or just comment on something I've posted.
Have a wonderful day!