Sunday, November 8, 2009


Hello Friends, I wanted to show off my latest teapot and give you an opportunity to visit my Etsy shop. I am adding numerous designs today, so if you have a moment stop by and take a peek! Have a great day!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Sunday!
Soulard Art Market & Contemporary Gallery
2028 S. 12th Street
St. Louis, MO 63104
Corner of 12th and Russell, across from McGurk’s Pub
(314) 258‐4299

It has been some time since my last post. I've been attending a lot of art shows recently and loving every minute of it. I went to a gallery show in Soulard. See above for details. I recommend stopping by. I really enjoyed it and found a beautiful painting by Danielle Correl that I just had to have. Also, McGurk's is katy corner to the gallery so you can always stop in for a mean corned beef on rye sandwich. Yummy!

Danielle also has an etsy shop so check it out!

Until next time!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Hello Friends,

I am posting a current work in progress. When complete I will post the finished piece. It is a painting of sorts. I am going to let it evolve and see where it ends up. I am planning on combining various medium together, both paint, ink, wire and who knows what else. We will see where this takes us. If I like the finished product, I may end up doing a series.
I welcome your comments.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Yesterday was a blast at my second Artist's Market!

I introduced my new card line: On The Move, this was accompanied by my card line Bird Talk. It makes me happy when something I have thought about, designed and sketched and reworked until I think it is perfect, gets a good reception.

My next move is to make them available on my etsy shop. They will be sold in sets along with a nice little surprise included in each set! Although I am a graphic designer, jewelry artist and more, I have always had my heart set on illustrating greeting cards. So this is exciting stuff for me. I'll probably do some advertising within etsy to get them started. Look for them in the next few weeks.

I filled out my entry form to be included in the upcoming Artist's Market on December 12. Spaces are limited but I'm hopeful. I'll let you know. I am starting to sketch my Christmas/Holiday card line and I'll show them on etsy and at the December Artist's Market too.

I've included some of the photos from my recent Artist's Market.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


This was fun! I enjoyed peddling my wares at my first Artist's Market. I wanted to post this pic, it shows many of the things I hand painted.

Stop by my etsy shop and see the latest hand painted goodies.

Have a great rest of the day!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am happy to report that the Artist's Market was a success! My new card line got a warm reception and that makes me really happy. I sold almost all the card sets I brought and all my tall mugs were gone with the wind. Hooray! The tall giggle mugs went first. I'll be making more of those due to their popularity. You can find more of them soon on my etsy shop. See link below.

I have signed up for the June 11 show too. So be sure to come by and check out the new designs. See the postcard from my previous post for details.

One plus, with the Artist's Market is the wide range of items you can find at very reasonable prices. I purchased a unique pair of pink and brown earrings as well as a scrapbook item from the two artists next to me. Oh, but I wanted so much more. I had my eye on a watercolor painting and a beautiful artsy necklace, but I had to say " Whoa Nelly!" The children must be fed.

Have a wonderful Easter.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Hello Friends,

I'm excited about the Artist's Market tomorrow! Luckily, I think I'm ready. I will be revealing my new line of greeting cards that are sold in sets. I have a generous amount of teapots and porcelain ware to choose from in fun and beautiful designs.

I hope to see you there!
God Bless You!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


It has been some time since my last first post. There are so many new opportunities popping up around me. I'm inspired to keep pressing in and get some art projects completed. As always, I've got my irons in so many fires. It helps to make a list and put the most important project at the top. It really feels good when you can check an item off.

One exciting treat coming up for me is A bi-monthly artist's market on April 11, 2009. I will be showing my illustrated teapots, illustrated card sets and paper jewelry (illustrated of course) along with other fellow artists.

Held at the new, Old Orchard Gallery at 37 S. Old Orchard in Webster Groves, Missouri. In the heart of the Old Orchard shopping district (end of parking lot at Ben Franklin's) from 10 am to 5 pm.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I have posted this blog in the hopes that it will help me connect with fellow artists across the country.

I am a graphic designer, an illustrator and aspiring children's book writer. I am always creating varied types of art from painting, to print making to jewelry. I love to try new things.

Currently I am working on illustrated/painted porcelain teapots as well as experimenting with paper jewelry. I have posted a photo of my latest owl teapot and cups as well as my floral work. If you are interested in purchasing a teapot go to to see my etsy shop.

In case you haven't heard, etsy is an online artist community where you can purchase unusual handmade and vintage items, get "HOW TO" project information and so much more. If you are interested in selling your handmade or vintage items you should check it out! But, I want to warn you - It's addicting!

I have just purchased a very interesting book titled, "Altered Paper Jewelry" by Jenn Mason. I recommend it. My daughter Libby and I are just about to embark on our first paper jewelry project from the book. I'll post a blog later on the results.

Thank you for visiting my blog! Feel free to post your latest projects, get feedback or just comment on something I've posted.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 5, 2009